I can see EVERYWHERE that people are crying because of the new Poharan event. I just want khổng lồ tell all of you, i"ve never lost a single dragon Blood in the dungeon. Let me tell you, only thing what you need is for this dungeon is brain. & some class.
Bạn đang xem: Invitation from poharan
Let"s start it,
Team set-up:
Best: - 1 WL
- 1 BB
- 1 Tank
- 1 Resist
- 2 Grab (Best) / 1 Grab và 1 Healer (Good) / 1 Grab và 1 DPS (Okay)
Good: - 1 WL/ 1 Grab/ 1 BB (2 of these should be in the party)
- 1 Tank
- 1 Resist
- Rest DPS
OK: - 1 WL/1 Grab/ 1 BB ( at least one of these)
- 1 Tank
- 1 Resist
Advice: Use Mild Dumpling: 4.500 HP, 450 Defense, 450 Health Regen, Heroic Friendship Charm: Critical 200, Defense 200, Health Regen 2000, On critical hit 40 Life drain, Bruiser Charm: 10 AP, Nayru Coin: you can buy long blood with that.
1st Boss: Gate Keeper:
Roles that you need:
- Tank
- Resist
Good lớn have
- WL
- BB
- Grab
2 best way lớn kill a boss:
1st: you pull the boss & the adds together & then AOE them fast so you can only focus on the adds.
2nd: For this you need an FM or a BD, the BD/FM will use Grab, bring one of the adds away from everyone and on that showroom use Unconscious skill. Then you only focus on 1 địa chỉ cửa hàng and the boss and kill the other add at the over of the fight.
The boss will jump one và after that he will use Projectiles attack. Stack together and with Assassin/Summoner/FM etc. Just resist it. After that he will use 3 heat attacks. Best way to lớn block it with Destroyer/FM or you can also use BD/BM resist. Also a good way is to use Summoner/Assassin buổi tiệc nhỏ stealth but it can only resist 2 attack so you have to lớn SS/Solo resist the 3rd heat attack. The OK way is everyone solo resist every heat attacks. After that the boss will swim towards the tank, use block lớn stop him.
2nd Boss: Chef:
Just dps and cc the quái dị whenever you can. When she uses the Timer Bomb attack, just các buổi tiệc nhỏ resist it. She will spawn an add. Best way: Unconscious the add, Good: + Tank for add who can dps while tanking the add/Summoner cat, OK: just AOE CC the boss and the showroom at the same time. The địa chỉ cửa hàng is a single CC địa chỉ cửa hàng so everyone can CC it.
3rd Boss: Annoying Force Master:
CC the quái vật whenever you can, careful with the monster AOE attack on the ground. When add spawn you can either kill it or just unconscious it, it has only around 300k HP.
4th Boss: Loli Queen Poharan:
- Tank
- Lever
- Range tank
Good to have:
- WL/Grab/BB
- Healer
- Resist
Attacks: There are 2 attacks that you must remember.
1st: Air attack: At this attack Poharan will air the tank and giảm giá khuyến mãi massive DMG lớn him but she is CC able. Try lớn cc her as fast as you can và if you have grab then grab her.
2nd: AOE Ring: Poharan will jump khổng lồ the middle & put down a bomb. She will step on it và it will create a ring attack staring from the inside goes outside, và after that from outside it fill come towards inside again. Either you can ss or solo resist it or use buổi tiệc nhỏ iframe.
Any other attack: You can try khổng lồ CC most of the attack if you want & grab her so you can get more DPS or just ignore it and dodge it.
Ice Phase: At first 60% Poharan will jump khổng lồ the middle. The game will write a message: The steam vents has reached maximum pressure. Either at the left side or the right side the vents will start steaming and one of the lever will be useable.
Right side turned on: Teams stands at 3 o"clock, tank can stand at 60% either at 1 o"clock or 4 o"clock. (When the adds spawn down the Range tank has to stand either at 1 or 4 o"clock NOT together with the tank. Lượt thích this: Tank 1 o"clock, Team: 3 o"clock, Range tank: 4 o"clock)
Left side turned on: Teams stands at 9 o"clock, tank can stand at 60% either at 10 o"clock or 7 o"clock. (Same as other side sharing the vents)
- Lever: Lot of people think the levers are bugging but no they are not bugging. You have lớn time it because if you turn them on they will give you resist only for around 4 seconds. You kinda have to lớn listen the PI PI PI PI background sound khổng lồ time it. Just need some time và try it.
- Tank: As i mentioned before the tank shouldn"t stand with the team at ice phase. The quái vật will shoot AOE bombs that last for more than 10 seconds. She will use that before the ice bomb will explode so if you manage to move lượt thích that you can "bait away" the aoe bombs và then stack with teams. (but standing alone is better because if you messed up you could kill your party)
Adds Phase:
Poharan will spawn down 2 xinh đẹp Tiger. I do not recommend khổng lồ kill them because both of it has 2.000.000+ HP and it would take too much time. You can either ignore them & take the dmg from them (They hit quiet a lot) OR use a range tank
- Range Tank: Attack the adds và try to giảm giá like 1% dmg of both showroom HP & then just run with them around. While you are running try to DPS the monster as much as you can. When ice phase is try not lớn stand with the party. (Just recommend, easier khổng lồ survive)
When the Adds spawned down only the range tank should attack them
Hope i could help with this và also hope that you will stop crying now and clear this dungeon.
My favorite set up is:
With friends/Clan (So you can use Voice Chat)
1. Blade Master
2. Assassin
3. Warlock
4. Force Master
5. Blade Dancer
6. Destroyer
Why: You have all the buff & also 2 grab which is A LOT of DPS & you also have a lot of resist.
I don"t have, nor can find the quest "Invitation from Poharan" required for the access of the blackram supply chain.I"m màn chơi 45 & have completed all the story quests possible.Anyone know what lớn do?
Hi there,Thank you for contacting the Blade và Soul support Team.We will forward your report to lớn the development team so that they can investigate the issue. However, we will be unable khổng lồ personally thư điện tử you about the investigation but any updates will be announced on our website and eivonline.edu.vn:https://eivonline.edu.vn/en/If you have any other details that may help with the investigation or if you have any other concern, please don’t hesitate to tương tác us again.Regards,
Ah sucky,Thanks for letting me know though, if I get any developments I"ll make sure lớn post them here
After you get a quest : "Invitation to Pohwaran"In this quest you have khổng lồ clear "the big 4", it"s 4 dungeons you should find a buổi tiệc ngọt for before meeting Lolis Fleet :
Thanks for trying to help but the thing (for me atleast) is that I haven"t gotten the quest Invitation from Poharan even tho I have done Act 3 chapter 13. Either we haven"t gotten the quest at all or we have discarded the mail/book/quest (clumsy if so but yeah...). Lặng not sure what I did but now I cant get it back if I once had it. Some more people seem to lớn have the same issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/eivonline.edu.vn/comments/41jt5d/lost_the_invitation_of_poharan/ So yên ổn stuck not beeing able to lớn run the last dungeon for 3 days now :/ I have done the big 4 instances to see if it would activate the quest but it hasn"t.
I just received this quest after complete every side quests in Necropolis. I turned in the last side quest near the roulette wheel.
I just received this quest after complete every side quests in Necropolis. I turned in the last side quest near the roulette wheel.
so the quest just shows on your right top? bởi vì you mean finish every single quest or you just finish all the quest shows in your list? & btw which roulette wheel did you approach? thanks a lot
so the quest just shows on your right top? bởi vì you mean finish every single quest or you just finish all the quest shows in your list? và btw which roulette wheel did you approach? thanks a lot
It was a scroll in inventory iirc, read it to accept and it show up on the quest log. There"s only a small town near the roulette wheels in Necropolis with friendly npcs, south east area is not hard khổng lồ miss.
Also i did all the one time side quests shown on the map, only ignored repeatables.
It was a scroll in inventory iirc, read it to accept và it show up on the quest log. There"s only a small town near the roulette wheels in Necropolis with friendly npcs, south east area is not hard to lớn miss.
Also i did all the one time side quests shown on the map, only ignored repeatables.
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Hello mate , i found a solution:
Equip Dokumo weapon and go lớn Cross-server menu , và you should have it right (i tried it by equiping và unequiping , havent worked that way (also i did all big 4s but no all quest in Watermoon))
hope you find this helpful !
easy tips. After u finish big 4s. You can go poaran. If u wanna bởi vì the cross server, just be sure u equip the Dokumo weapon. 100% works for me.