Spoilers ahead for OITNB Season 6. Now that the final season of Orange Is The New Black is upon us, fans are going to lớn want khổng lồ brush up on the previous seasons of the hit Netflix dramedy. A LOT happens in every season, which is why this Orange Is the New Black Season 6 recap should be your viewing companion while you marathon the new one.

In case you don"t remember, Season 6 picks up after the riot and fans were relieved khổng lồ see that many fan faves & familiar faces were present. Well, some of them. Maritza was sadly absent the whole season, as were Angie & Leanne. Big Boo also took a break, though she made a brief appearance in episode three of season 6 but wasn"t seen after. New characters, such as mean girl Badison & cell block gang leaders Carol và Bard made up for it, though.

Season 6 was packed with cell-block rivals, gross pranks like women pooping in the dryers, và bloody drama. So many relationships form và end during the sixth season that it can be hard to keep track. Luckily, you can relive all the nail-biting moments from Season 6 without having to lớn go back and rewatch 13 hours of television. You"re welcome!

Here"s what went down last year.

In the first episode, the fates of characters such as Suzanne, Red, Frieda, Piper, và Nicky are revealed. After the riot, the character"s were moved to Litchfield"s maximum-security prison.

Frieda tries lớn kill herself in her cell but lives và Piper gets sent to lớn medical by newcomer Badison, but while she"s there she looks for Alex, who fans still don"t know is alive. After questioning, Suzanne is moved khổng lồ a new part of the prison.

Bạn đang xem: Orange is the new black season 6 recap: what happened in the last series?

Flashbacks: Suzanne hides in a box with Cindy when the guards storm the pool from last season. For a while, they seem khổng lồ make it out of the clear. When they are finally caught, Cindy makes a plan with her lớn ensure their stories địa chỉ up & that they are not blamed for the riot. This will change everything for the two women, và Taystee.

Cindy tries to get a message to Taystee before getting questioned by the FBI. Meanwhile, the FBI interviews Gloria about the riot and she works to move the blame lớn Maria.

Caputo struggles with being on leave và looks for purpose. Pennsatucky is seen for the first time since the riot in the back of a trunk on the run with two other ex-cops from Litchfield.

Flashbacks: Cindy tried to hide her pregnancy from her family, but her father is forceful & wants to know who the father is. When the baby is born fans understand her mom has taken the baby as her own so Cindy can continue living her life the way she wants to.

Linda gets out of jail after being wrongfully put there. She takes over as head of MCC. Piper mistakes Red"s message about Piscatella and thinks it"s Alex who is dead.

Flashbacks: We learn about Frieda"s history with Barb & Carol that took place years ago và why she"s so afraid to confront them again.

Nicky is trying to warn Red that she may have to lớn blame her from the riot in order to lớn avoid an additional 70 years in prison. Piper & Badison become roommates và Alex shows up (finally). The old CO"s from Litchfield are integrated into the new environment. Pennsatucky enjoys a day at an amusement park while in disguise.

Flashbacks: Young Nicky is caught in the fire of her parents" hatred for one another and it impacts her choice khổng lồ give a humiliating speech during her bat mitzvah leaving her parents lớn not want anything to bởi with her.

The CO"s start a fantasy inmate draft. Frieda & Suzanne become roommates so Frieda doesn"t get paired with Carol. Maria tries to lớn join Papi"s group, but Papi doesn"t trust her, and rats invade the cheese kitchen at Litchfield. Meanwhile, Pennsatucky turns herself in.

Flashbacks: None.

Daddy admits khổng lồ Barb that she was behind the rats to get the jobs from C-block. Meanwhile, Aleida sees her kids who are in foster care and works lớn get them back. Red is given the option lớn either admit khổng lồ riot charges or lớn be charged with Piscatella"s murder.

Linda & Figueroa try lớn work on MCC"s pr crisis. Blanca finds out that she might not be able khổng lồ have kids and Taystee decides khổng lồ take her case to lớn court.

Flashbacks: Daddy worked for drug lords as a pimp, and one of her girls ends up dead.

Carol doesn"t trust Badison after the D-block takes their jobs. Pennsatucky blackmails Linda and gets moved to the nice part of the jail with Freida & Suzanne. Suzanne turns on Taystee and Cindy because she doesn"t want to lớn be mothered anymore.

Daya takes the rest of Barb"s pills và ends up kissing Daddy. D và C block start rioting in the yard, leaving Badison wounded.

Flashbacks: Madison was bullied in school & called Fartison which leads her to get expelled and sent khổng lồ a correction camp with girls và sets one of them on fire.

The CO"s vày a full sweep of the cells after Badison gets stabbed. Alex gets looped in with Barb"s group. Red tries to lớn inform everyone that Frieda ratted her out và is now living better then the rest of the inmates who were involved in the riot. Finally, Red gets through to Carol and they find common ground on their hatred for Frieda.

Taystee comes clean about the abuse she và the other inmates face. Blanca tries lớn get pregnant.

Flashbacks: Taystee và CO Tamika worked together when they were teenagers and we get to see just how close they were.

Daya tries to lớn convince her mom khổng lồ smuggle in drugs. Nicky meets Barb while she"s recovering from a beating from the girls of C-block. Chapman starts a kickball league.

Flashbacks: None.

Alieda starts helping Daya smuggle in drugs. Red và Carol connect. Caputo senses that he"s found the guy that actually killed Piscatella and tries to lớn get him to confess.

Flashbacks: Carol and Barbs relationships are explored growing up và it is revealed that they drowned their little sister who was liked more by their parents.

Suzanne & Frieda"s friendship starts paying off as Red plots against Frieda. Cindy tries to lớn come clean about what really happened the day of the pool raid because she doesn"t want to lớn see Taystee go down Piscatella"s murder.

In order khổng lồ win at fantasy inmate, teo Ginger locks enemies Carol & Barb into the same cell.

Flashbacks: None.

Carol và Barb prepare for war, và MCC plans on a PR đoạn clip to save their image. Meanwhile, Alex makes a deal with Carol to lớn save Piper from Badison, who is trying lớn get her in trouble & up her sentence. Teo Hopper foils the plan however, by ripping up the incriminating paper & edits Piper"s sheet so she"s mix for early release.

Flashbacks: None.

Piper prepares lớn get out, but before she does she marries Alex in a small ceremony. Taystee goes to trial & loses. A kickball trò chơi starts, but thanks to Maria, convincing the teo to let them choose new teams, the war between the blocks that were all planned doesn"t happen.

Meanwhile, Carol and Barb hide in a closet in an attempt lớn sneak into Frieda"s cell lớn kill her, but when the war outside doesn"t happen, the sisters turn on each other & kill one another.

While the inmates enjoy their trò chơi of kickball, on the outside, Blanca gets taken by ICE, & Sophia and Piper are released.

Flashbacks: None.

Season 7 is packed with possibilities now that Piper is free, but there is still hope for the ones that are left inside Litchfield.

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The characters of Orange Is the New đen head to lớn maximum security prison in season six. Netflix
Emily St. James was a senior correspondent for eivonline.edu.vn, covering American identities. Before she joined eivonline.edu.vn in 2014, she was the first TV editor of the A.V. Club.
Orange Is the New Black’s sixth season is torn between two impulses.

The first impulse feels akin lớn the old penultimate season problem I’ve written about before, in which a serialized show uses its next-to-last season khổng lồ put characters in position for great story arcs in the final season. And because the show has already been picked up for a seventh season (to air in 2019), but nothing beyond that just yet, it would make sense khổng lồ think of season six as the penultimate one.

Except there’s no real indication that season seven will be the show’s final season. Thus, season six’s second impulse is to lớn be a soft reboot season, wherein new characters are introduced và given big, significant arcs that are clearly meant lớn position them as characters we will care about going forward. This will hopefully give the show enough gas in its tank to run for years to lớn come. (Orange Is the New Black has added new characters with just about every season, but rarely with as much emphasis as in season six.)

The problem is that both penultimate seasons và soft reboot seasons tend lớn become slogs, as both require a lot of cài đặt work — và that usually means there isn’t much time for payoffs or even story complications. It’s not uncommon to lớn finish watching either type of season và feel like a show has just barely started to get somewhere.

Orange Is the New Black season six ultimately avoids this threat, but only by the skin of its teeth. But it still gets trapped between those twin impulses, never sure which direction it should skew toward, to the degree that with just a couple of episodes left in the season, I was worried it wasn’t going anywhere. Season six isn’t as messy as the show’s fifth season — which took place over just three days and chronicled a prison riot — but it’s also nowhere near as ambitious. It’s just good enough to make me interested in watching season seven, but not good enough to lớn make me want to lớn see anything beyond that.

Orange Is the New Black season six is an intricate machine that maybe has too many moving parts

Taystee gets the best storyline of season six. Netflix The most welcome thing about season six is the way it extensively pares down the show’s large cast.

Season five ended with the riot being stopped with force and the characters being split up and transferred to lớn several other prisons. Now, a handful of the characters reside just down the hill from their former home of Litchfield Penitentiary, at Litchfield Maximum Security Prison, while lots và lots of other characters have simply been written out of the show, mostly off to a prison in Ohio.

We get a brief glimpse of said prison early in the season, và we see a tín đồ favorite character there, & it’s the only time she appears all season. So in some ways, Orange Is the New Black season six seems to lớn be aiming for ruthless economy, scaling back lớn just the chip core cast in a push toward whatever the over of the entire series might be.

But at the same time, the location shift lớn the maximum-security prison means adding a bunch of new characters, who range from the intriguing (two older sisters who nurse grudges against each other và seemingly everybody else) to the completely baffling (a woman with a truly overcooked Boston accent who serves as a new rival for Piper Chapman).

And because Orange Is the New Black always tries lớn find the humanity in every single character onscreen, the show’s story keeps expanding và expanding, until it’s tracking more than a dozen fairly important storylines.

This leaves the series trapped between its increasingly ungainly history — the major death that marked the end of season four happened only a few days ago when season six opens, even if the characters seem to live in an eternal present with contemporary pop culture và political references — & wherever it’s trying khổng lồ go next. Even with lots of characters leaving the story, there are probably still far too many, and all of them need lớn have a storyline or two or three.

Now, there’s no show as good at tracking dozens of storylines as Orange Is the New Black, và season six comes through with a finale that sees all of its storylines colliding in a way that feels a little breathtaking. But at a certain point, this inclination lớn give every character their due shortchanges those whom the audience is naturally more invested in.

The story of Taystee (Danielle Brooks), for instance, is easily the season’s most compelling — she ends up on trial for some pretty terrible crimes connected lớn the riot, and both the audience and certain characters know, conclusively, that she is not guilty of them — but also too often filtered through characters in her orbit. This is especially noticeable with regard lớn Caputo (Nick Sandow), the former warden of Litchfield, who tries lớn turn himself into a Columbo & prove that Taystee didn’t vày it.

It’s not a bad way lớn keep Caputo involved, but it also has the unfortunate side effect of turning Taystee into a supporting player in her own story. & when the ACLU & the đen Lives Matter movement both invest heavily in trying to lớn help Taystee beat the charges leveled against her, it feels as if far too much of their involvement happens offscreen. It might be interesting lớn watch how Taystee handles being turned into a cause célèbre, but Orange Is the New Black keeps getting distracted by other things.

The entire Taystee storyline also serves khổng lồ bolster the show’s central argument, which has always been that even in prison, there’s a size of trắng privilege that protects prisoners like Piper (the still marvelous Taylor Schilling) while dooming prisoners of color. & when the finale unleashes a series of gut punches in this regard, in which some of the white prisoners achieve a kind of tiny victory while some other prisoners of màu sắc see their lives devastated even further, it’s certainly thematically appropriate.

But it also feels ever more like the series exploits the pain of its characters of màu sắc to try to lớn give itself moral gravitas — even though it already has moral gravitas, due lớn its portrayal of how broken the prison system is and how inherent that portrayal is lớn the series.

When Orange Is the New Black skews what happens to lớn its characters so dramatically by race, it’s not hard khổng lồ question whether doing so is the only way the show knows lớn telegraph a sense of social và political seriousness.

With that said, Orange Is the New Black, even when it’s at its worst, remains one of TV’s most watchable shows. The acting is terrific, the writing is structured so beautifully that shorter- & longer-term arcs are balanced against each other in addictive ways, và the direction makes great use of staging and blocking khổng lồ tell stories visually, in such a way that you’d understand what was going on even if all the sparkling dialogue were eliminated.

So it’s hard not to lượt thích Orange Is the New Black season six, even as it’s hard not khổng lồ hope that season seven will be the show’s last. There’s still just enough life left in this story khổng lồ be confident that it will pull itself lớn a rousing close. But if it were to lớn keep going into season eight and beyond, even as the characters the audience first fell in love with slowly cycled out, it’s easy to lớn see how the show’s tendency lớn just keep expanding could lead to lớn an attempt lớn encompass each và every little corner of its universe, until every single scene might seem to take place on a different show.

Good storytelling requires empathy, of course, but it also requires concision. Orange Is the New Black season six boasts so, so much of the former, but far too little of the latter, & that leaves it caught in between two versions of itself, to its detriment.

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Orange Is the New Black’s first six seasons are streaming on Netflix. Season seven will arrive in 2019.


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