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Welcome back, Flash fans. We’ve had an entire month off, but no time has passed in S.T.A.R. Labs, so we’re getting right back into it. The is all gathered together for yet another poor series of time travel choices and, lượt thích it or not, you"re along for the ride.
(But you"ll mostly like this one.)
Directed by the cast member who wears the most hats (Tom Cavanagh) và written by The Originals‘ Carina Adly Mac
Kenzie, this episodes mines some familiar territory & brings a frustrations I have with the show back lớn the forefront. The episode does, however, have some of the most meaningful development in this weirdly frustrating season
When we last left off, Caitlin Snow had become Killer Frost in the middle of Flash Lab Central, and the whole team was in a hazardous weather watch. Again, for the life of me I vì not understand why meta powers keep turning people evil, especially with Caitlin who cannot seem to overcome the darkness of needing to lớn murder her friends. I"m sure there are plenty of answers for this that can be found in the comic, but the show has never given a good explanation lớn make Caitlin"s personality changes seem anything but campy.
Bạn đang xem: The flash season 3 episode 19 review: the once and future flash
Frosty disappears and Barry decides this exact moment is the perfect time lớn run away into the future & make everything worse for everyone. Typical Barry.
It was a good episode, even if it was pointless aside from getting the crucial Death Star plans
See, Barry"s still stuck on the fact that a giant robot may kill Iris, so he"s checking out the "Flash Disappears" article we first saw in the show"s pilot. This gives him the idea khổng lồ run to lớn 2024 và ask himself how khổng lồ beat Savitar or maybe just get a secret identity to lớn work with. It"s not his worst plan, because it"s not nearly as bad as going back và ruining the past. After Wally throws Barry into the future, we leave the present Team Flash lớn just chill while Barry goes on a journey.
Barry arrives in 2024 and is immediately engaged in street warfare by Top và Mirror Master. Almost no one in this episode seems to have aged that much in eight years, so don"t go looking for that. Barry does manage lớn find a super-twitchy weirdo Future Cisco, who has lost his Vibe nguồn when Killer Frost shattered his hands — a super damn dark moment for this show, but certainly not the last sad turn this episode.
Future Barry lives in the basement of S.T.A.R. Labs và looking at pictures of Iris. Eight years later this is still all he is doing. He also never discovered Savitar"s identity, & it turns out trapping him in the speed force requires giải pháp công nghệ that won"t be developed until four years after Iris gets murdered.
Also, the whole point of this particular narrative rests on a report that Flash has disappeared in 2024. But he"s already been in self-imposed exile for eight years & is kind of an emo prick? Who ... Who notices a months after this that Flash is gone? Why would anyone care?
When he changes anything in the past, this all gets undone, so we"re literally wasting time., the rest of the team is all fractured and sad, including a Killer Frost who apparently joins up with Savitar khổng lồ help wreck the team but is now being kept in a very nice cell. Joe and the rest of the team are a wreck, but H.R. Is doing very well in the literary world, the coffee owning world và the making love to lớn multiple women world.
Realizing that the future is a bust, Barry tries khổng lồ get back home but can"t. He sticks around, trying khổng lồ put the team back together so they can take down Top & Mirror Master. While these two have learned some neat Doctor Strange world twisting tricks, the question remains: What are we doing here? Does Barry really not understand how time travel works? Still? When he changes anything in the past, this all gets undone, so we"re literally wasting time.
Future Barry winds up giving Real Dumb Barry a future flash-drive with information on trapping Savitar in the tốc độ force. Why he can"t just print this information off on usable paper no one knows. Barry heads back lớn Current Time Earth One & has just enough sad future knowledge khổng lồ know that he needs to lớn have a cool date night with Iris.
This is fine. It was a good episode, even if it was pointless aside from getting the crucial Death Star plans.
Then we get the tease that Savitar is already teaming up with Killer Frost, & finally shows her his true form. He"s a dude in a robot suit & someone she already knows & trusts. Who could this be? Ronnie, her former husband, perhaps, who Killer Frost teamed up with on Earth Two. Or perhaps H.R. Because the villain is always Tom Cavanagh. Or, please no, not a double of Barry.
But we also have H.R."s face changing technology still on the table from earlier in the season, so who knows who it is that Savitar actually winds up killing? There"s enough weird tricks và speed force magic left in these final episodes to do some serious damage khổng lồ whatever plot we"d already sussed out. This journey into a dark future has already put Barry at odds with himself (and a couple of b-villains) so maybe we can turn towards finding some shred of hope next.
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As I watch the third season of The Flash, my mind keeps returning to lớn the way's TV critic Jeff Jensen described the show's titular nhân vật in his of the second season: "He's a blazing streak of Tomorrowland in a gloomy, doomy, fury road culture." It's a perfect characterization of what the hero represents and what made the show so lovable in its first year. Và that sentence has been on my mind recently because The Flash has been missing that sense of hope this season. In tonight's episode, the show finally acknowledges that.
Helmed by first-time director Tom Cavanagh and written by The Originals' Carina Adly Mac
Kenzie, "The Once và Future Flash" is a wheel-spinning hour that's bolstered by the fact that it's about restoring hope to lớn a sad future, which is a theme I can get behind. At times, the hour veers too far into grief-porn territory; however, it feels lượt thích there's a purpose. This may be the first time Mac
Kenzie has written for The Flash, but she demonstrates an understanding of the characters & what makes the show great. It's just a shame that her script — which features some of the show's best-written dialogue — is weakened by the larger issues with season 3 as hole.
In fact, "The Once và Future Flash" opens with one of the season's biggest problems: Killer Frost, who is throwing a frosty tantrum in S.T.A.R. Labs. As I've written multiple times this season, I still don't understand why using her powers suddenly turns Caitlin evil. The show has failed khổng lồ explain this, which is baffling because it could easily be explained away. Just look lớn the comics. For example, in James Tynion IV's current run on Detective Comics (which you should definitely read), it's revealed that Clayface became evil after he transformed into, well, Clayface because being in that clay state alters his brain and thereby his ethics. It would be great if the show could provide us with some explanation like that, because right now the way it's handling Killer Frost feels pessimistic: Unless you're Barry, Wally, or Cisco, you're doomed khổng lồ become evil if you're a metahuman. But I digress.
Barry arrives in time khổng lồ stop Killer Frost from killing Cisco, Julian, và H.R., all of whom were singing "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" as they hid from her in the pipeline. (It was actually a funny moment). Somehow, Caitlin manages to lớn escape in the shuffle, but Barry quickly pushes that out of his mind because he's got something more pressing lớn do: travel to lớn the year 2024 (a.k.a. The year listed on the Time Vault khổng lồ find out Savitar's identity. He reasons that 2024 is a good place lớn start because there's no mention of Savitar in the, which means he was defeated by then. So with Wally's help, Barry speeds off into the future, leaving his teammates behind khổng lồ twiddle their thumbs.
Surprise: 2024 is not the future Barry envisioned. It's a dark & depressing place that looks even darker than Barry's present does, which, let's be honest, has gotten visually darker all season. Mirror Master và Top are surprised khổng lồ find a Flash in the street because he hasn't been seen in years. They try to lớn kill him, but Barry manages to lớn escape. Clearly, a future without a Flash means darkness.
From there, the grief-porn tour begins. First up, there's Cisco, who lost his hands in a fight with Killer Frost and whose mind seems slightly off kilter because of the depressing state of the future. As I watched, I got the sense that what little remained of Cisco's chipper demeanor had become a coping mechanism for 2024's sad state. But encountering this Barry from the past has perked him up because he thinks they finally have a chance of righting what's wrong.
Sadly, Barry is more concerned with figuring out Savitar's identity. So Cisco takes him to meet his future self, who disbanded the team after Iris' death and locked himself away in the now abandoned S.T.A.R. Labs. Unfortunately, Future
Barry isn't any use because he never learned Savitar's identity. Realizing he wasted his time coming here, Barry tries returning lớn his present, but he fails for some reason. He's stuck there.
Next on the tour is Julian, who works at Iron Heights and watches over an imprisoned Caitlin as Killer Frost. During the visit, Killer Frost not only reveals that she knows who Savitar is but that in the past, she teams up with him lớn fight Team Flash. What a devastating reveal. Unfortunately, she refuses lớn tell Barry who Savitar is. So, Barry decides to pay Wally a visit, who has a broken spine và is unresponsive after a confrontation with Savitar. Joe's situation is even more depressing because all he does is sit by Wally's side & visit Iris' grave.
The state of Team Flash has a profound effect on Barry because he realizes that this is the last thing Iris would've wanted. In fact, before Barry sped off khổng lồ the future, Iris made him promise that he would be there for Joe if she died. Clearly, Future
Barry didn't live up to lớn that promise. The pain Joe feels from Barry abandoning him in the wake of all that tragedy is especially upsetting for the audience because the show has told us time & time again how much Barry means lớn Joe.
Barry figures out that Cisco is the one keeping him in the future because he wants Barry khổng lồ help get the team back together in order to fix things. Despite his desire to return to the past, Barry agrees khổng lồ stick around long enough khổng lồ get the team back together because The Flash wouldn't accept such a dark future.
Barry zips around Central City and collects the men of Team Flash for one goal: defeating Mirror Master và Top. The reunion brings some much-needed light lớn the world; everything looks a bit brighter. In fact, Barry's determination khổng lồ restore hope in this future inspires Future
Barry to lớn get off his butt & help him take down Mirror Master. It's worth noting that the Mirror Master/Top fight features some cool và trippy Inception-like visuals when vị trí cao nhất hits The Flash with some vertigo.
Barry agrees to lớn work with Cisco & Team Flash lớn continue restoring hope. Và before Barry runs back khổng lồ the past, Future
Barry gives him the name of someone who could help with Savitar: Tracy Brand, a physicist who developed the technology that trapped Savitar in the tốc độ Force four years after Iris died. Hopefully, Barry can use the flashdrive he gets from him future self lớn help Tracy make her technological discovery years before she actually does. With that, Barry returns khổng lồ the present, leaving a slightly lighter future in his wake, which is all we can ask for.
Meanwhile, Killer Frost meets with Savitar, who promises khổng lồ make sure Caitlin never returns. Killer Frost is wary of trusting him until Savitar unmasks himself. Unfortunately, we'll have to wait until next week to find out who he is.
So khổng lồ recap the recap: The Flash found a way to lớn prolong the question of Savitar's identity, which is incredibly frustrating because all of the mystery surrounding Savitar has reduced the threat he poses as a villain. By this point, I want Barry to lớn finally defeat him so we can just move onto season 4's non-speedster Big Bad.
A0;That being said, I did appreciate that the show acknowledged the importance of hope. Hopefully (sorry!) the show doesn't forget that as it moves forward. Sure, things seem dire, but what makes The Flash great is that he constantly reminds us not to give up.
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Episode Recaps
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The Flash (TV series)
After the success of Arrow, Barry Allen (a.k.a. The Flash) gets his own CW treatment in this comic-themed spin-off.
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